This piece is going out to all co-workers, bosses and of course, those around me. As much as we love to give our 100% every single day, it is just not possible. We can try out best to push our limits and be giving our best performance but there are days (not many) that you are lacking concentration, your temper is spiking high and you feel totally and utterly drained.
Not because of you Netflix until wee hours last night. Sometimes, our body is telling us by giving signs that we need a break. A rest to rejuvenate your mind and soul so that you can battle once more. Maybe that’s why a holiday is also known as retreat or getaway.
So pardon me
If I seem to be far away, gazing somewhere peaceful when you are talking. Not because your conversation is uninteresting but because I woke up five times during the night by my wailing baby.
So pardon me
If I look irritated when you call upon me at my desk, not because I don’t want to help you or chat with you. But because I am rushing out a deadline and my concentration is waning right now. I just need to plough through this before I get back to you.
So pardon me
If I need to rush home after work, not because I don’t want to stay a little longer and hang around at the pantry with you guys, gossiping the latest affair of our boss’s newest girlfriend. But because my bed is beckoning me and I really want this day to be over.
So pardon me
If I make any silly or careless mistakes because I’m overwhelmed with things on my mind. People do make mistakes from time to time. I’m not perfect and neither are you.
So pardon me
If I shut down and try to avoid you for the rest of my day. I just cannot deal with another problem to troubleshoot when I have so much on my hands.
So pardon me
If I take time off to sort out my head and rest my body to avoid a meltdown in front of you. I am not a robot and I can be overwhelmed and bursting at my seams at the amount of work and deadlines to fulfill.
A promise
I will, however, pull through from this day and emerge a much stronger person tomorrow. I will give twice as much and fill in all those gaps that I missed out yesterday. I will work twice as hard to make up for my silly mistakes. I will remember your understanding and leeway you have given me because you know you will slip up one day too and will look for empathy from me.
Have you been this way before? Overwhelmed and underperforming? Please do share with us so that we know we are not alone in this.
For inspiring articles to boost your productivity for the day, check out these:
6 Apps that increases Your Productivity 8 Steps to Digital Productivity 7 Signs Your Work is Ruining Your Life
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