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Writer's pictureSAMUEL CHIBUNNA

Guest Post: The Foundations Of A Successful Career

When I come across a great article that gives awesome career advices like mine, I get extremely excited that someone shares my passion and insights. Baller has generously agree for me to share this post out to everyone here and if you are inspired by his positivity, wait until you read all of his posts here!

Getting a job is certainly a really stressful task. Firstly, you have to build your curriculum, then you have to write your application letter and send it. After being accepted for a interview (not something certain obviously), you have to pass trough a series of phases where your skills are tested. Finally, after being accepted (if you are), it will very likely for you to joint to a super disorganized team, without any structure or coordination. On top of that, you’ll end up receiving little to no money at all and your career gets absolutely stuck. It’s horrible!

It is obvious that I can’t talk by experience, however, I’ve spoken to some professors, business owners, entrepreneurs and employees about this topic and the conversation is always similar to what I described previously.

As a result, since I will be starting my the application process soon, I defined this problem as one of my biggest concerns. Consequently, I was able to gather as much information as possible from these experienced people I talked to. They provided me with the following enlightening insights.

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

#1. Go To Various Interviews

Firstly, while sending your application, start by going to interviews of companies that are least appealing to you. This way you will be able to gain some knowledge regarding what an actual interview looks like. Take notes of your past interviews and prepare yourself for the next ones (and more desirable). This way you will feel much more prepared and you’ll have a completely different, and more educated, perspective of the market you are about to join.

#2. Don’t Be Afraid To Make Questions

During your job interviews don’t just limit yourself to answer questions. Do some research, ask something related to the company you are curious about, or about what an actual day at work looks like. Most importantly ask to meet your ‘future’ team leader. Hence, you will, not only be able to gather a lot of valuable information regarding the company itself, but also, you will be showing a lot of interest and a certain confidence to your recruiter. That’s extremely important.

#3. Poor Salary And Unbalanced Work

One of the main concerns of a recently graduated student is to be valued for the corporation they are about to sign to. Salary is always a huge concern and most don’t want to be overworking for a company that pays poorly (comprehensible, no one would). Most of them decide to sign to a medium sized company that pays relatively well at the beginning and that has an acceptable employee integration (culture of a enterprise). Perfectly understandable.

However, what happens in most cases is that your career gets absolutely stuck, and you, as an employee, end up working for years and years, until your boss finally decides to give you a significant promotion.

Therefore, my recommendation is to sign for the biggest corporation you can apply to. Yes, you will be absolutely enslaved for one or two years, and yes you will be payed really poorly, however, you will have a bright future career ahead of you. It might take some time until people understand your value, but eventually it will happen.

#4. Accept Invites To Work Abroad

One thing that your employers and “bosses” value immensely is your capabilities to adapt to different circumstances. So, when you are asked to go abroad to do a project for 6 months, don’t immediately reject the invitation. Embrace the idea and prove your value. You’ll learn massively from that experience and your superiors will know that you don’t fear challenges, that you are proactive and resilient. When you least expect, great opportunities will knock on your door.

Hope this recommendations can provide any value. I’m looking forward to test them myself. Let me know your thoughts on this! See you in the comments!

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