When it comes to nerves and job interviews, it seems obvious that the burden of the concern would be for the employee. After all, they’re the ones wanting access to the Kingdom. For the employer, it should be a simple situation: is this person right for my business or not? You’re the one in charge and that means you get to make your decisions.
However… it’s really not as simple as that. When you make the decision to hire someone as a boss, it’s pretty risky for you as well. Not only will you be giving this person money that you have worked hard for, but you will be relying on them to do their job – and no one wants to make the wrong decision. If you have a functioning, thriving workforce in a happy workplace, then you don’t want to spoil the cart by picking a bad apple.
While it would be nice to think that we all hire people based purely on the information in front of us – the facts they have listed on their resumé – the truth is, that doesn’t happen in totality. Of course it’s a factor – you’re not going to appoint an accountant without making sure they have the qualifications to know what they’re doing! – but so many of our thoughts about a potential hire are based on gut instinct.
The one problem with that? Gut instinct can be wrong. While you should pay some attention to the feeling you get about a person, it shouldn’t be the key aspect of your decision. To try and cut through some of the confusion, there’s a few vital questions you need to ask yourself.
Am I Reading Them Correctly?
Here’s a few ways you can misread someone at interview:
You see someone who looks shifty; they won’t meet your gaze. They are actually anxious.
You see someone who is confident and complimentary about your company. They are actually bordering on suck up levels rather than being straightforward.
You see someone who is being aggressive in their manner. They think they are being assertive.
That’s why a second interview is so beneficial – at the first, focus on the facts, but the second interview should give opportunity to cut through all of this.
Am I Doing The Right Things?
If someone comes into an interview and knocks your socks off, then it can be tempting to sweep aside a normal hiring procedure. They have impressed you so much, you forget about the fact that a DBS check is trusted by employers and references on an application can give you an idea of what someone is really like. You don’t want to bother with that – you want to hire them on the spot.
Remember: no matter how good someone appears to be, verify their claims. Anything else leaves your company exposed.
Is My Good Impression Wishful Thinking? Finally, a little nudge reminder that sometimes, we see things that aren’t there. If you look at someone, like them, get a “good feeling” about them, then that can make you overlook something you shouldn’t. Always try and see what’s actually in a person, not what you hope is there.
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