They say that one is never too old to do something new, especially when it comes to work. Even if you are in your early 50s, you may get that urge to switch to a new career even if you are nearing retirement.
While some would dissuade you from making that mid-life career change because of your age and the belief you won’t be able to keep up with the innovations, mid-life career changes are a thing.
Here are 7 things no one tells you about taking a mid-life career change that you need to know:
Job Security is Overrated
Many people cannot easily resign from their current jobs because of finances, employment status, and convenience. However, these three factors are only worth the time and effort if you love what you are doing. If not, it is just holding you back from seeing your potential and keeping you tied to a place that makes you unhappy.
Don’t focus on job security because you can still achieve this in careers that actually make you happy. A career shift can also inspire you to try something different and make the rest of your years more fulfilling.
Stability isn’t Guaranteed even if You Get Employed
Contrary to popular belief, stability isn’t guaranteed even if you are employed in a company. You can be laid off or fired from your job at any time, and there is no guarantee you will continue to enjoy the benefits first offered to you when you sign up until you retire. To prevent this, you should stay active and adapt as you try to get used to your new career.
You Will Have The Tools and Resources You Need for The Job
It is not uncommon to find the things you want to try out challenging to master because it might require specific skills you may not be familiar with. For example, if you plan to enter the world of wedding photography, you will need to learn how to take the right shots and engage with people.
It will be challenging to learn new skills to match your new career. But, you have already faced this stage before, and if you believe in yourself, you can handle the challenges easily.
A Decision Can Push You Forward
If you are undecided, it can be hard to grasp the notion of changing careers, especially at your age. You will think about the “What-ifs” and double-guess yourself if you made the “right” decision.
However, if you decide to do a mid-life career change, it will help your mindset focus better and have a positive outlook. It will also free you from the stressful aspects of this career change and help you press on.
You Can Always Change Your Mind
Although an adage says “there is no turning back” when you make a life-changing decision, you can retract your decision if your career shift didn’t go as you hoped for.
Even if you can’t get the same job again, changing your mind can help you explore other opportunities you may not have considered before.
Risks Can Help You Become More Skilled
While there is nothing wrong with sticking with your current career, it’s also not wrong to consider making a career change.
Taking a risk, especially at your age, will help you hone your skills to a level that you would not be able to achieve if you stayed in one career path. You would be surprised to see the opportunities that will open up if you take that risk.
Life is Flexible as You Create It
Life is also positive as you sees it. Some people would let you talk about your future goals and show you that they are sceptical about your chances of succeeding. They will also tell you that there are some things in life that you can and cannot do, especially at an older age, and you shouldn’t challenge it.
If you consider a mid-life career change, it’s ok to listen to their advice, but there’s no rule saying you have to follow them. Because in the end, it is you who gets to decide what you want to do in life, and while they may show their disappointment at first, if they see that you are flourishing, they will be supportive and adapt accordingly.
Even if you are already in your 50s or 60s, you don’t have to stay in your current career until you reach the retiring age. There are a lot of career opportunities available out there that will match your skillset and interests. So, if someone dissuades you from taking that step, you are doing this for yourself and your happiness, especially in your later years.
Thinking about retiring instead? Here are some of my articles on this topic: 3 Ways Professionals Should Prepare Emotionally For Retirement How to Finance Your Post-retirement Business A Word Of Advice: I Hate Retirement
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