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Writer's pictureSAMUEL CHIBUNNA

What to do If You Lost Your Job During Covid-19 Recession?

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, everyone is affected by coronavirus globally. Businesses that are struggling even before Covid-19 hits, will face difficulty to even stay afloat on the daily operations.

While nobody wishes to lose their jobs during this time, without knowing when this pandemic will end, it is best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

However, if you are laid off during this Covid-19 period, what can you do? How can you move on?

Stay Calm

The first step is to stay calm. Panicking will not help anyone but create undue stress for yourself. Staying calm will help to clear your mind and think clearly.

Besides staying calm, take precautionary measures as well. If you are unwell, even the slight flu or cough, don’t dismiss it. See a doctor, no illness is too small to see a doctor give you peace of mind.

Seek Assistance from your company

Is your company downsizing or retrenching due to the impact of Covid-19?

Try asking your HR or immediate superior for assistance, explore other options like transferring to another branch or department, taking a pay cut or even working part-time.

Look at financial aid from the government

If your company is not able to offer any kind of assistance, don’t despair. Look at what your government can do to offer assistance during this sensitive time.

Many governmental agencies and charities are offering financial assistance to tide anyone. Ask around on social media or check out the latest news on government websites.

If there isn’t any offer now, there may be in the near future. Don’t lose faith and continue to check back on those websites.

Be Aware of your financial situation

If you have been putting off going through your bills and credit card statements, this is the time to do it.

Draw up an expense sheet and tabulate how much you spend per month. If you have dependents, find out their expenditures as well.

There are plenty of free apps to keep track of your daily expenses. Use them so you know how much you spend at the end of the month. Track your billing cycles and set an alert on each bill so you will never miss a payment and get charged on late fees.

Additionally, if you are keen to find new ways to boost your income, you might want to consider trading. In recent years, trading has soared in popularity as a passive way for people to make investments. Moreover, with cryptocurrencies also hitting the headlines more than ever before, it might be worth researching whether you could buy Bitcoin in Singapore with Independent Reserve, or a platform in the country you are, in, and earn a profit from trading it. If you are going to invest in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin then you might want to make use of some of the fantastic trading tools and robots out there such as Bitcoin Trader. If you would like to learn more about Bitcoin Trader, you can take a look at this bitcoin trader test (Bitcoin Trader review) on the Kryptoszene website.

Start budgeting your lifestyle

Before you land yourself a new job, some adjustments need to be made. Investigate on your daily expenses and find out which are the big-ticket items that pop right out to you. Are those items essential? You can also use SoFi to understand how much interest you will be paying on your credit card each month to help with your budgeting.

Next, look at replacing some of your daily needs to something affordable. Like instead of a Starbucks latte, you can make your own coffee. Or cook your own dinner instead of eating out. Or watch a movie at home instead of clubbing on Fridays.

Whenever you are tempted to purchase something new, ask yourself if you need it now.

Look Towards Positivity

During this difficult time, it is easy to slip into the negative mode or even depression.

Instead of dwelling on what should have been, get up and take action to improve your situation. Take on some online courses to add to your resume. Go on volunteering your services to enhance your portfolio. Pick up a new skill, learn something new about yourself and most importantly, this is also the time to take a break.

Rejuvenate and refreshed, you’ll be more than ready for a new job when it comes to you.

Lost your job? Don’t despair. Here are some articles to help you to find your new job: A Word of Advice: Jobless & Homeless Feeling Ashamed of Being Unemployed 5 Things You Need To Do While You’re Unemployed

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