If you have been a regular reader of MiddleMe, you’ll realize that I published a post every workday from Monday to Friday and this led to some of my followers asking me “Why don’t I run out of ideas to write on?”
Sure, being a writer, I am no different than others, I do succumb to writer’s block. Sometimes for a long period of time. When that happens, I rely on my arsenal of ready articles. Meaning that I do have a pool of articles that are half written or in point forms that are ready for me to edit them into a full blog post.
On the other hand, I also have a list of titles that I jotted down on my Notes on my iPhone whenever an inspiration strikes so I don’t lose track of that idea, no matter how fleeting it might be.
Besides that, here is a list of things I do to make sure my ideas will never run out:
Read More
Don’t just stick to your favourite genres. Read widely to get inspired by different thoughts and opinions. You get to expose to different writing styles as well. Don’t just read paperbacks (although I love my old paperbacks), reading on the go on your mobile helps to squeeze more reading in when you are waiting for your turn at the supermarket cashier.
Keep Up With Trends
Yes, I might be a freelancer stuck at home but that doesn’t give me the excuse not to know what is going on around me. And not just around me, my country but to be aware of what’s happening in the world as well as on the blogosphere and social media will provide you with enough writing materials.
Talk to People
I can’t travel as much when I was single. Travel is a great way to inspire someone and triggers lots of ideas. But you are mostly grounded like me, talking to people is a great way to inspire yourself. Don’t be shy, get out to talk to strangers if you have to. The writer in me always on a hunt for a good story even if it is a sob story.
But how can I time manage myself to write everyday?
As you know, I am a mother of an overly active little one-year-old girl, I volunteer writing, I write for a living and on top of all that, I do my housework chores and cook dinners every night. No helpers, no nannies and no maids.
So much to do, so little time! And I never sacrifice my daily naps, no matter how busy I am because I know it is an important key factor to keep ideas flowing is to have ample of rest. No point slugging out your writing if you are tired, you will lose your train of thoughts and you will end up feeling that your writing has become a chore instead of a pleasure.
That’s right. Writing is an art that you need to enjoy otherwise, you will sound bland and uninteresting. Nobody wants to read that from you!
Some quick tips to manage your writing:
Note down any ideas on your mobile or a little notebook
Never think any ideas are too small or insignificant to explore
Draft your outline whenever you find time on your hands
Put aside at least an hour a day to write (great if you can set aside more time but don’t beat yourself around it if you can’t)
Write when you feel you are in a tip-top condition (if you’re a morning person, write in the morning. If you are a late night owl, maybe writing at night suits you more)
Write in between when you are resting (I love to squeeze in a line or two in between TV commercials)
Write in between your chores (another opportunity to squeeze in a paragraph when I’m waiting for laundry to be done or my fish to be steamed)
Collate all the writings to be edited at least once a week (it helps to let your ideas flow freely without worrying about spelling or grammar, you can always correct it later) or you can engage Freelance Manuscript Editors
Invest in a good phone with an excellent autocorrect (it save a lot of time) if you like writing on your phone like me
The golden rule is that you should never force your words out. If the article you are writing on is stuck, perhaps the idea just doesn’t resonate with you. Change the idea or drop it totally. The only way you can write freely and quickly if you feel passionate about the topic that you are writing.
I hope the above tips will help any Writers out there, whether you are a personal blogger or someone working on a piece for his client or trying to complete a manuscript for your new book.
Do you have a secret writing tip? Please do share with us!
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