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Writer's pictureSAMUEL CHIBUNNA

Learning To Let Go Of Things Don’t Matter As Much As Your Sanity

Wow! That’s a mouthful piece of a title!

I learned to let go of trying to fix the title into something catchier. And perhaps shorter. As it goes, it doesn’t matter as much as the content that goes in this article.

Learning to let go is a skill I learned a long time ago. Particularly as a manager because you can fix things that are wrong but you can’t fix people. You can only motivate and inspire them so far (like bring the horse to the water) but you can’t really make them do things exactly the way you want. So letting go of the smaller instances actually save your blood boiling and your sanity.

Let’s explore some of the things that I learned to let go and perhaps after reading this, you’ll learn to let go some of the things that don’t matter as much so that you’ll lead a more peaceful and less angry life.


Work-Life Balance

Let Go: Work That Is Imperfect

I can work until I drop dead on my desk only to be discovered by the cleaning lady wee hours in the morning and my work will not be perfect. You can only give it your best and even then, accept the fact that nothing is perfect and that’s the perfection in it. Learning to let go of the 100 marks will give you much peace that you have to learn to accept flaws in your work.

Can you improve those flaws? Yes. But not tonight, not right now but in time to come, you will. So let it go and go home to take some rest. Celebrate what you already have achieved so far.

Let Go: Colleagues That Won’t Listen

I know you’re trying to be nice. But some people just need some hard knocks in life before they realize your goodwill. That includes friends and family in your life too. So no point beating yourself over it when they clearly going straight for that hole, instead help them cushion the blow when it comes. And no “I told you so” speech either.

Let Go: Bosses That Don’t Take Your Advice

It’s their businesses and their profit margins that going to take the hit. Be prepared, however, to clear up their leftover mess. Bosses don’t always like to admit that you are right and sometimes they don’t share the overall picture with you. They might have their reasons for doing so. Instead of hitting constantly on the wall, try to hit on some exercises, it’ll do you so good to let out the steam.


Freelancing Life Balance

Let Go: Nasty Freelancing Clients

There will always be nasty clients, whether you are working for a company or working for yourself. You just have to grit your teeth and get through it. Perhaps you will learn your lessons by choosing your clients carefully next time or even better, be so successful that you get to turn away clients that you don’t wish with work with anymore. I did turn away clients and I will do so even at the expense of extra income. Life is way too short to hang around clients who don’t appreciate your work.

Let Go: Non-Paying Freelancing Clients

Ahh… I really hate this kind of clients who take your work, don’t give feedback and run away from payment when you chase them. Some even turned around to snap at you that your work is not good enough to be paid when obviously they are publishing your work on their website (with minor changes to it). You can read here how to make sure your clients pay you or if the amount is too little, consider letting it go. My time is just too precious to bicker over a $10 project.

Let Go: Freelancing Clients Who Wants The Whole World For $1

These clients usually hadn’t been working with freelancers and treat freelancers as full-time employees. Sometimes I do educate them and let them know if you need my time to join in a discussion, you need to pay for it, not just the completion of the project. And I don’t just sit around my laptop waiting for your email to arrive with instructions. In fact, I move around a lot and that’s the beauty of freelancing. If you need me to sit and watch my fish tank screensaver from 9am to 6pm, please pay me per hour to do so.


Motherhood Balance

Let Go: Dirty Laundry And Dishes

Whoever has a sparking meat house while juggling a baby, is having a maid around the house. When my baby is crying from the teething pain, I ain’t have time (or the energy) to deal with laundry or dirty dishes. Those can wait until tomorrow. And if you want your favorite mug for your coffee, you wash it. I gave up trying to make my house picture perfect like the movies, keeping my sanity together is more important. That and my baby happy.

Let Go: Bumps And Bruises

At the crawling and wobbling stage, babies fall. You can’t be there for every fall. I learned to forgive myself for every bruise and bump my little one collects as she thinks climbing on top of the coffee table is akin to climbing the Mount Everest. And learning to let go as she explores heights with fearless guts. I’m rearing an adventurer.

Let Go: Disheveled Look

A part of me is thankful that I don’t have to pull off a slick model like look to go to work in the morning. I can just stroll into my home office, one arm carrying the little one while lugging my laptop in my most comfortable track pants and baby drool infested tee. I’m no superstar mom and definitely don’t have to stand at the balcony to wave at my fans. While I do make effort if there’s an event, I’m quite willing to let go of I-must-look-pretty or I-must-have-my-makeup-on rules.

So what have you learned to let go? So to keep yourself sane and happy? Please do share with us in the comments below.

There are times letting go is hard, but you just have to grit your teeth and do it like I do it here:


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